Recent news

Diversity equals valuable perspectives

Discovery and adaptation are essential to success. These are some of things we've learned on our professional journey.

Finance and Accounting Leadership for Pr...

Amy Searles — Senior Partner at hireneXus Private equity (PE) portfolio companies operate in a...

Bridging Strategy and Execution: Recruit...

Bud Harrison — Senior Partner at hireneXus In 2024, private equity (PE) experienced a signific...

Growing Private Equity Portfolios Throug...

Nate Skow — Senior Partner at hireneXus HR was once perceived primarily as a function centered...

The Rise of Operational Value Creation i...

Traditional financial engineering is no longer enough to generate competitive returns in private eq...

Women in Private Equity: Resources...

In recent years, private equity (PE) has made progress in diversifying its entry-level workforce, w...

Breaking Boardroom Barriers: Private Equ...

Although significant strides have been made toward gender equality, women remain underrepresented i...