A dedicated and diverse private equity recruiter
Bespoke research solutions to match
your staffing and recruitment needs
Information is power and access to that information facilitates truly impactful action. Access to a curated source of potential talent and leadership provides our client partners with a clear competitive edge—service models and resources that can be tailored to meet the hiring needs of businesses and portfolios to scale.
Experienced recruiters
Invest in information. Reveal all potential contributors.
Working with a private equity recruiter, one who has been firmly focused on the private equity space for over 40 years, delivers an excellent return on investment and helps your business reduce recruitment fees by significantly augmenting your recruitment efforts through significant back office support and cost effective candidate sourcing and real-time applicant tracking.

Details Matter
The benefits of utilizing
hireneXus research are clear
Online interface accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Back office support resources on a global scale
Large exposure for your open job opportunity
Multiple users with security controls
Co-branded or confidential — no large recruiting fees for confidential replacements
Our team will write a job description for you or you can use your own